Is drinking alcohol part of a healthy lifestyle?

happy couple on sailboat taking selfie

If you enjoy sipping a glass of wine, a beer or a cocktail now 和 then, keep moderation in mind to protect your health.

适度饮酒意味着男性平均每天喝一到两杯,女性平均每天喝一杯. 不同种类的啤酒、葡萄酒和白酒含有不同的酒精含量. 但一般来说,一杯酒是一杯12盎司的普通啤酒,5盎司的葡萄酒或1盎司的葡萄酒.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits, such as bourbon, vodka or gin.

饮酒过多会增加患多种健康问题的风险, 包括高血压, 肥胖, 中风, 乳腺癌, 肝脏疾病, 抑郁症, 自杀, 事故, 酗酒和酒精中毒.

AHA Recommendation: Moderation is key.

If you don’t drink already, don’t start. 如果你喝酒, 和你的医生谈谈适度饮酒的好处和风险. Some people should not drink at all, like women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, people under age 21 和 people with certain health conditions.

How does drinking alcohol affect health?

Here’s what science tells us about alcohol’s effects on the body.

饮酒过多会提高血液中甘油三酯的水平. 高甘油三酯水平加上高LDL(坏)胆固醇或低HDL(好)胆固醇与动脉壁脂肪堆积有关. That, in turn, can increase the risk of heart attack 和 中风.

Excessive drinking can also lead to high blood pressure, 心肌病, cardiac arrhythmia 和 even death from alcohol poisoning. 它会干扰大脑的沟通途径,影响大脑的工作方式.

狂饮——男性在两小时内喝五杯或更多,女性在两小时内喝四杯或更多——可能会增加患房颤的风险, an irregular or quivering heartbeat that can lead to blood clots, 中风和心力衰竭.

Heavy drinking may also prematurely age arteries over time, 尤其是男性, when compared to moderate drinkers.

+, 饮酒所产生的额外热量会导致肥胖,并增加患糖尿病的风险.

Isn’t red wine supposed to be healthy?

我们都看到过关于少量或适量饮酒与健康有益和降低死亡率有关的研究的头条沙巴足球体育平台. 一些研究人员认为,葡萄酒对健康有益, 尤其是红酒, 和 that a glass a day can be good for the heart.



红酒中的类黄酮和其他抗氧化剂等成分可以潜在地降低患心脏病的风险, 但它们也可以在其他食物中找到,比如葡萄、红葡萄汁或蓝莓.

目前还不清楚红葡萄酒是否与一些研究中发现的健康益处直接相关, or whether other factors are at play. 这可能是因为适量饮用葡萄酒的人更有可能拥有更健康的饮食和生活方式——包括体育锻炼和大量的水果和蔬菜.

酒精对健康最有名的积极作用是小幅增加高密度脂蛋白,即有益胆固醇. 但是有规律的体育活动是提高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的更有效的方法.

美国心脏协会不建议饮用葡萄酒或任何其他形式的酒精来获得潜在的健康益处. 相反,采取措施 降低胆固醇, 控制高血压, 控制体重, 进行足够的体育活动, 远离烟草 和 遵循健康饮食.

I drink every day, but not very much. 那有风险吗??

一些研究表明,适量饮酒的人患心脏病的几率比不饮酒者低. 但是每天饮酒过量会导致严重的心血管疾病风险,包括高血压, 肥胖和中风. 如果你发现自己随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移喝得越来越多,那就考虑戒酒吧.

Is a glass of wine a day OK if I have diabetes? Can alcohol affect glucose levels?

葡萄酒中的类黄酮和其他抗氧化剂可以保护心脏和血管免受身体产生的自由基的破坏. 这对糖尿病患者来说尤其如此,因为他们已经被证明有大量的自由基产生.


不利方面, excessive drinking can increase the risk of high blood pressure, 和 people with diabetes are already at high risk.

For all people, alcohol can lower blood sugar. If your doctor has cleared you to drink alcohol in moderation, 当你喝酒的时候一定要吃一顿饭或零食,以防止你的血糖过低.


Alcoholic drinks contain calories, 和 so do many mixers added to alcoholic drinks, 比如苏打水, 果汁或奶油. 添加糖 can also come in the form of simple syrup or liqueurs, which are common ingredients in many cocktails.

A beer or glass of wine is generally around 100 to 150 calories. 根据配料的不同,一杯鸡尾酒的热量从100到近500卡路里不等. 如果你喝酒, 记得把它包括在你的饮食计划中,这样你就不会摄入比你需要的更多的卡路里.

Can I drink alcohol if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

孕妇不应该喝酒. 它会严重伤害婴儿,并可能导致出生缺陷或胎儿酒精综合症.

If you’re breastfeeding your newborn, 请注意,母乳中的酒精可能与孩子长大后思维和推理能力下降有关. So, it may be best to avoid drinking alcohol while breastfeeding.

Is it OK to take aspirin 和 drink alcohol?

经常服用阿司匹林的人有胃病的风险,包括胃出血. Alcohol use can increase these stomach risks, 所以,问问你的医生,适量饮酒对你是否安全.

Before taking any over the counter or prescription medication, 咨询药剂师或医生,了解与酒精的潜在相互作用.

酒精帮助我放松. 我还能怎么应对压力?

喝酒似乎是一种应对压力的便捷方式, but there are many other healthier strategies. 保持身体活动, 吃健康食品, 充足的睡眠和保持积极的态度是有好处的 管理压力的方法.

试一试 冥想, yoga or relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing. 或者保证每天花15分钟在你喜欢的事情上寻找快乐,不包括喝酒. 有很多选择.


Drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation, if at all. Underst和 the potential effects on your health if you do indulge. And don’t start drinking for unproven health benefits.





